XII. Expenditures

Guide to Financial Operations

XII.4.A Vendor Requests for Payment

XII. Expenditures
Guide to Financial Operations


State Finance Law § 109 requires vendors to submit a certificate to the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) with each claim stating (i) the claim is just, true and correct, (ii) the State has not paid any part of the claim, and (iii) the balance stated on the claim is actually due and owing.

Process and Document Preparation:

Business Units can satisfy these requirements by processing claims based on either an invoice a vendor uses in its normal course of business, or a vendor certified Statewide Financial System (SFS) Claim for Payment Form (AC 3253-S). Business Units may use AC 3253-S rather than a vendor invoice when processing contract payments, State Aid payments, or discretionary payments for materials, equipment and services. It is the responsibility of the vendor and the Business Unit to ensure the calculations resulting from information entered into the AC 3253-S is accurate prior to submitting to OSC.

With the implementation of the SFS, Business Units are no longer required to send paper documents to OSC, with the exception of payments for the purchase of land. Instead, OSC will accept electronic documents in support of payment requests. When processing electronic claims, Business Units can satisfy OSC certification requirements by ensuring the vendor’s certification includes a valid electronic signature. For more information of the State’s electronic signature requirements, see the State Technology Law, Article III.

Guide to Financial Operations

REV. 06/20/2012