XII. Expenditures

Guide to Financial Operations

XII.8 Overview

XII. Expenditures
Guide to Financial Operations


Business Units create vouchers in the Accounts Payable module in the Statewide Financial System (SFS) to (a) pay vendors that provided goods or services to New York State, or (b) refund New York State vendors or citizens. A voucher that is paid follows these processing stages:

  1. A Business Unit creates and approves a voucher.
  2. The voucher is routed to the Office of the State Comptroller (OSC) for audit.
  3. The OSC approves the voucher.
  4. The Treasury Department generates payment to the vendor in the form of a check, Automated Clearing House payment, or wire transfer.

Sections A and B will provide guidance to Business Units about processing vouchers in the SFS. Sections C through G provide guidance to Business Units regarding vouchers that require special processing to be paid.

Guide to Financial Operations

REV. 04/27/2015