SUNY Bulletin No. SU-345

Leap Year Salary Calculation for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 for SUNY CAL and CYF Employees.
Date Issued
August 18, 2023


The purpose of this bulletin is to explain the OSC and agency procedures for the use of the Leap Year Salary Calculation.

Affected Employees:

SUNY employees in salary Grade 980 with a Comp Rate Code of CAL and CYP.


In any fiscal year in which February 29th falls, the biweekly salary calculation is changed to calculate the biweekly payment based on 366 days in that fiscal year. Since the fiscal year beginning 09/01/2023 and ending 08/31/2024 will include the extra day in February, the salary calculation will be changed to reflect the Leap Year Factor of .038251 effective 09/01/2023 for CAL and CYF employees.

Effective Dates:

Effective 09/01/2023, pay period 12L, checks dated 09/27/2023.

OSC Actions:

Job Data

After payroll processing for Pay Period 11L is completed, OSC will insert a row on the Job Date page, effective 09/01/2023, to change the salary calculation of Compensation for affected records, which do not have an existing row on the Job Date page, with an effective date of 09/01/2023. The Action/Reason PAY (Pay Rate Change)/FAC (Factor Change) will be used.

Additional Pay

After payroll processing is complete for Pay Period 11, OSC will insert a row effective 09/01/2023 on the Additional Pay page to change to the leap year salary calculation for all annual derived biweekly earnings, such as ALR and CHS, etc., provided no 09/01/2023 row already exists.

Employees entitled to the full biweekly paycheck will receive the Regular Salary and all Annual Additional Earnings as follows:

08/31/2023 - 08/31/2023 1 Day at Regular Factor .038356.

09/01/2023 - 09/13/2023 13 Days at Leap Year Factor .038251.

Agency Actions:

Job Data

Any Rows inserted on the Job Data page will reflect the correct salary calculation based on the effective date.

After the leap year calculation has been updated, if a transaction is submitted with and effective date retroactively placing an employee on the payroll (Hire, Rehire, Reinstatement from Leave Without Pay) prior to the change, the agency must submit a row if none exists for 09/01/2023 using the Action/Reason code of PAY/FAC, in addition to the original row.

Additional Pay

Any rows inserted on the Additional Pay page will reflect the appropriate salary calculation based on the effective date.

After the Leap Year Calculation has been updated, if a transaction is submitted retroactively, such as ALR or CHS, etc., the system will calculate the entire pay period using the Leap Year Factor with an effective date prior to the change, the agency much submit a row if none exists, for 09/01/2023 on the Additional Pay page in addition to the original effective dated row.

Time Entry

Agencies must submit any Time Entry transactions split by Pay Period effective dates. RGS and all override codes must be submitted using the appropriate calculation based on the effective dates of the transaction.

Additional Information Regarding the Leap Year

For Fiscal Year 2023-2024, the leap year factor .038251, will be used to calculate the amount that will appear in the Compensation Rate Field on Job. The factor will also be used to calculate any derived bi-weekly Additional Pay amounts.

The agency must also use this factor to calculate:

  • The amount of the adjustment earnings reported in the Additional Pay page for earn codes such as ALP (Adjust Location Pay).
  • Miscellaneous earnings reported in the Time Entry page with an amount that is calculated based on an employee’s biweekly rate of pay (ex: RGS).


Questions about this Bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Earnings mailbox.