Oversight of Child Protective Services Outside New York City (Follow-Up)

Issued Date
February 19, 2013
Children and Family Services, Office of


To determine the extent of implementation of the three recommendations included in our initial audit report, Oversight of Child Protective Services Outside New York City (Report 2007-S-129).


Our initial audit report, which was issued on June 4, 2009, determined that the districts are intervening in a timely and appropriate manner to protect the children who are at risk in the most serious types of child abuse cases. However, the actions taken are not summarized in a format that would enable OCFS to readily determine that necessary interventions have actually occurred, not that they are simply undocumented. The objective of our follow-up was to assess the extent of implementation, as of February 2, 2012, of the three recommendations included in our initial report.

Key Finding

  • Department officials have not made progress in correcting the problems we identified in the initial report. Of the three prior audit recommendations, all three recommendations have not been implemented.

Key Recommendation

  • Officials are given 30 days after the issuance of the follow-up review to provide information on any actions that are planned to address the unresolved issues discussed in this review.

Other Related Audit/Report of Interest

Office of Children and Family Services: Oversight of Child Protective Services Outside New York City (2007-S-129)

Frank Patone​​​​​​​

State Government Accountability Contact Information:
Audit Director: Frank Patone
Phone: (212) 417-5200; Email: [email protected]
Address: Office of the State Comptroller; Division of State Government Accountability; 110 State Street, 11th Floor; Albany, NY 12236