State Agencies Bulletin No. 836

Pre-Shift Briefing for Certain Employees Represented by CSEA in the Office of Children and Family Services
Date Issued
September 2, 2008


To inform the agency of new Time Entry codes and procedures for the payment of Pre-Shift Briefing for eligible employees.

Affected Employees

Employees of the Office of Children and Family Services (Agency 25000) who are working in an eligible facility and are in one of the following titles:

  • Youth Division Aide 2
  • Youth Division Aide 3
  • Youth Division Aide 4


Pursuant to Chapter 10 of the Laws of 2008 and the 2007-2011 bargaining agreement between the State of New York and the Civil Service Employees Association, a pilot program has been established in recognition of pre-shift briefing for certain eligible CSEA employees of the Office of Children and Family Services to receive ¼ hour of overtime pay (Annual employees) or $4.80 (Hourly employees) for each day that the employees assemble for briefing prior to the commencement of duties.

Effective Date(s)

Payments may be submitted beginning in Pay Period 10, paychecks dated 9/3/08

Eligibility Criteria

Effective 7/24/08, eligible employees must

  • work for one of the facilities participating in the pilot program
  • and be employed in one of the titles listed above
  • and assemble for briefing before the commencement of duties

OSC Actions

The following new Time Entry earn codes were effective on 7/24/08 and are available for use.

Pre-Shift Briefing OCFS

OSC has created new Time Entry Earn Codes to be used to pay Pre-Shift Briefing for eligible employees in Bargaining Unit 04 who work for the Office of Children and Family Services:

PSA (for Annual employees) This code calculates Pre-Shift at the rate of ¼ hour of the overtime rate for each unit submitted.
PSH (for Hourly employees) This code allows the agency to manually enter the total Pre-Shift Briefing amount for Hourly employees.

Agency Actions

Beginning in Pay Period 10, the agency must use the following procedure when reporting the Pre-Shift Briefing payment on the Time Entry page:

The agency must enter the following information in the Time Entry page for reporting Pre-Shift Briefing for Annual employees using the new Time Entry code PSA:

Earnings Begin Date: Enter the first day of the pay period Pre-Shift is due
Earnings End Date: Enter the last day of the pay period Pre-Shift is due
Earn Code: PSA
Unit: Enter the number of units
(One unit for each 1/4 hour Pre-Shift Briefing worked)

The agency must enter the following information in the Time Entry page for reporting Pre-Shift Briefing for Hourly employees using the new Time Entry code PSH:

Earnings Begin Date: Enter the first day of the pay period Pre-Shift is due
Earnings End Date: Enter the last day of the pay period Pre-Shift is due
Earn Code: PSH
Amount: Enter Amount

Payroll Register and Employee Paycheck/Advice

The Earnings Code PSA or PSH will appear on the payroll register.  The Earnings Code description will appear on the employee’s paycheck stub or direct deposit advice.


Questions about this Bulletin may be e-mailed to the Payroll Audit mailbox.