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NEWS from the Office of the New York State Comptroller
Contact: Press Office 518-474-4015

Comptroller DiNapoli Releases Municipal Audits

January 6, 2016

New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today announced his office completed audits of the Central New York Regional Market Authority, Town of Coeymans, Village of Green Island, Town of Petersburgh, Village of Pomona and the Seneca County Industrial Development Agency.

“In today’s fiscal climate, budget transparency and accountability for our local communities is a top priority,” said DiNapoli. “By auditing municipal finances and operations, my office continues to provide taxpayers the assurance that their money is being spent appropriately and effectively.”

Central New York Regional Market Authority – Internal Controls Over Selected Financial Operations (Onondaga County)

Authority officials need to improve controls over payroll and employee benefits to ensure that employees are paid the salaries and wages and receive the benefits to which they are entitled. Auditors found that 73 percent of employee leave balances were inaccurate.

Town of Coeymans – Financial Condition (Albany County)

The town’s budget format lacked necessary information to allow the board to make informed decisions when estimating revenues and expenditures and determining how much fund balance it could appropriate to finance the ensuing year’s operations.

Village of Green Island – Financial Condition (Albany County)

The water fund balance continues to be in a deficit position, reaching $907,000 as of May 31, 2015. The board has not developed a multiyear financial or capital plan to address the water fund balance deficit or the repayment of interfund loans.

Town of Petersburgh – Internal Controls Over Selected Financial Operations and the Justice Court (Rensselaer County)

Aggregated purchases for heating oil and diesel fuel were not competitively bid as required. The board did not review purchases made using town credit cards. In addition, town justices did not perform monthly accountabilities or bank reconciliations.

Village of Pomona – Financial Condition (Rockland County)

Village officials did not adequately monitor financial operations to ensure fiscal stability. In addition, the board allowed budget line items to be routinely overexpended and budget transfers to be made after the end of the fiscal year rather than throughout the year when needed.

Seneca County Industrial Development Agency – Project Approval and Monitoring (2015M-207)

The method of determining project benefits to be provided is not well-defined or required to be documented. Recapture provisions are vague and do not include sufficient detail, such as specific plans for the recovery of previously provided financial assistance if job creation and economic goals or other terms of the agreements are not met. The board did not develop and implement adequate procedures to monitor projects, and analysis of the information obtained from the companies was not sufficient.


For access to state and local government spending and 50,000 state contracts, visit OpenBookNY. The easy-to-use website was created by Comptroller DiNapoli to promote openness in government and provide taxpayers with better access to the financial workings of government.