EDSS - Procurement Record Help

What information does BOC require for my Procurement Record?

Depending on the type of Procurement Record type selected, a list of suggested documents will display on the “Attach” page of EDSS.

What are the Procurement Record types?

Based on the criteria and the funding guidelines, the following methodologies are available for procuring grants: Competitive, Non-Competitive, Limited Funding, Other.

What information am I required to enter to create a new Procurement Record or to amend an existing Procurement Record?

The required fields will be denoted with an asterisk, and you will not be allowed to continue in the EDSS application until those fields are complete. For more descriptive definitions about these terms, please see the Glossary of Terms.

What is the difference between the Contract Term and Period?

The Contract Term encompasses the start and end dates of the full life or the shell of the contract; the period is the effective start and end dates for the budget and work to be performed. Contracts will only have one term. Depending on the Contract Type, they may have multiple periods.

If my original Procurement Record was not submitted through EDSS, can I submit an amendment to that Procurement Record through EDSS?

Yes. Even if the original Procurement Record was not submitted through EDSS, you can still submit an amendment to that Procurement Record through EDSS. The Procurement Number (Ex. DOH01-0000534-3450000) will be required when submitting the Procurement Record Amendment.

If my Procurement Record is non-approved and I want to resubmit it, how should I enter it in EDSS?

If your Procurement Record was previously non-approved, you will need to re-enter the Procurement Record as a "New" Procurement Record. The Statewide Financial System (SFS) has a system limitation that prevents amending a non-approved transaction.

When I submit an amendment to a Procurement Record not originally submitted through EDSS, where do I find the “Procurement Number” field?

You will find the Procurement Number on your previous Procurement Record’s Approval Letter.

Why does it say “New” in the Procurement Record ID?

The system says NEW because this part of the Procurement Record Number is auto-generated when the OSC Auditor enters the Procurement Record into the Statewide Financial System (SFS). For a new Procurement Record Amendment, you enter the ID number. When you select “Save for Later” or “Next”, the field will populate with the numbers you typed.

How should I follow-up on the status of my Procurement Record if needed?

Please contact OSC at 518-408-4672 or email [email protected].

How can I find a Procurement Record that isn’t appearing on the “Transactions in Progress” table?

Please contact OSC at 518-408-4672 or email [email protected].

How do I request Limited Funding for my Procurement Record?

Even if the original Procurement Record was not submitted through EDSS, you can still submit a Limited Funding request for that Procurement Record through EDSS. The Procurement Number (Ex. DOH01-0000534-3450000) will be required when submitting the Limited Funding request.

When I click on the Limited Funding link from the EDSS homepage, why does it open into an “Amend Procurement Record” page?

Limited Funding requests are related to previously approved Procurement Records and are reviewed separately. In order to identify which Procurement Record the Limited Funding request is associated with, please include the Procurement Number and all other identifying information for the Procurement Record.

If I am entering a Limited Funding Procurement Record, what should I enter in the “Current Amendment Amount Field”?

The agency user must enter $0 (zero) in this field.