Town of Knox – Internal Controls Over Payroll (2014M-35)

Issued Date
May 09, 2014

Purpose of Audit

The purpose of our audit was to examine the Town’s internal controls over payroll for the period of January 1, 2012 through August 31, 2013.


The Town of Knox is located in Albany County and is governed by an elected five-member Town Board and has a population of approximately 2,690 residents. Budgeted appropriations for 2013 totaled $1.8 million.

Key Findings

  • Internal controls over payroll and leave time were not properly designed, including a lack of written policies and procedures.
  • Employees’ leave accrual records contained errors and inadequate documentation of time worked.

Key Recommendations

  • Adopt written policies and procedures for recording of time worked and leave time used by employees.
  • Ensure that employee leave records are accurately maintained and that time records are subjected to supervisory review.