New York State Assembly

Assemblyman William F. Boyland, Jr. Travel Expenses

In response to a request from Albany County District Attorney, P. David Soares, we examined 206 vouchers Assemblyman Boyland submitted for $153,089 in travel expenses during the period January 1, 2007 through January 31, 2011. On these vouchers, the Assemblyman certified that he was in Albany to conduct legislative duties on 975 days during that time. Our examination found a lack of sufficient, appropriate evidence to support that the Assemblyman was entitled to receive $67,497 in mileage and per diem expenses related to 609 of the 975 days he claimed on 180 of the 206 vouchers during the examination period. We recommended the Assemblyman immediately repay $67,497 in unsupported expenses.

For a complete copy of the letter, click here.