State Education Department

Reimbursement to Nonpublic Schools for State Mandated Services (Follow-Up Report)

Nearly 15 percent of the elementary and secondary students in New York State attend nonpublic schools. The State Education Department reimburses these schools for the costs incurred in complying with certain State mandates for taking student attendance, administering standardized tests and evaluation programs, and reporting basic education data. In audit report 2005-S-20, we examined the reimbursement process and found that a number of improvements could be made, as the process was not always timely and was often inefficient. We also noted that additional Department guidance was needed to ensure consistency in the calculation of reimbursements. When we followed up on these matters with Department officials, we found that they had implemented some of our audit recommendations, but had not fully implemented others.

For a complete copy of Report 2007-F-3 click here.