New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications
New York City Department of Investigation

Selected General Controls Over Data Center Security (Follow-Up Report)

Data centers for New York City agencies are operated and maintained by the New York City Department of Information Technology and Telecommunications (DoITT). Security at the data centers was overseen by the New York City Department of Investigation until August 2006, when security responsibilities were transferred to DoITT. In audit report 2004-N-1, we audited selected aspects of the general security controls at these data centers and found that certain improvements could be made in the controls. When we followed up to determine whether our audit recommendations had been implemented, we found that progress had been made but additional actions still needed to be taken. Due to the sensitivity of the information, our detailed audit findings and recommendations were not included in either our original audit report or our follow-up report.

For a complete copy of Report 2006-F-21 click here.