Department of Correctional Services

Health Care Services Provided to Inmates Outside of Correctional Facilities (Follow-Up Review)

The medical services provided to inmates in State correctional facilities may be provided by physicians at facility infirmaries or by specialist physicians at hospitals and other outside facilities. In our initial audit report 2001-S-21, we examined the process used by the Department of Correctional Services in providing outside medical services to inmates. We found that the services were not always provided in a timely manner and bills for outside medical services could be paid even when documentation was not submitted indicating that services were actually provided. We further determined that controls needed to be strengthened over access to the medical information maintained on the Department’s automated information system. In our follow-up review, we found that action had been taken to implement some of the recommendations contained in our initial report, but further action was needed if all the recommendations were to be fully implemented.

For a complete copy of Report 2003-F-38 click here.