Department of Health

Contract with the Comprehensive Community Development Corporation for the Women, Infants and Children Program (Follow-Up Review)

In the Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program, low-income women may be provided with prescribed supplemental foods, nutrition education and counseling, and coordinated health care and social services to prevent the birth of low-weight babies. WIC services are provided by contractors that are overseen by the Department of Health. In our initial audit report 2001-R-6, we examined selected aspects of the Department’s contract with the Comprehensive Community Development Corporation, which provided WIC services in the Bronx. We found that the contractor was reimbursed for some expenses that may not have been related to authorized contract activities. We also identified questionable practices indicating that the contractor needed to be more closely overseen by the Department of Health. In our follow-up review, we found that actions had been taken by Department officials to address the issues identified in our initial report, but additional actions needed to be taken. We also note that the Department did not renew the Corporation’s contract when it expired in 2003.

For a complete copy of Report 2004-F-3 click here.