Department of Correctional Services
New York City Human Resources Administration

Contract with the Osborne Association: Billings for Job Placement Services (Follow-Up Review)

The Osborne Association was contracted by the New York State Department of Correctional Services to provide job placement services to work release participants in three State prisons. The Osborne Association was also subcontracted by two different contractors of the New York City Human Resources Administration (HRA) to provide job placement services to economically disadvantaged adults. In our initial report 2001-R-7, in response to a complaint alleging that the Osborne Association billed New York State and New York City for identical job placement services provided to the same recipients, we audited the billings submitted by the Osborne Association under the various contracts. We found that $302,747 in duplicate billings and an additional $62,904 in ineligible or inappropriate claims had been submitted by the contractor. We recommended that all inappropriate payments be recovered from the contractor and improvements made in the two agencies’ contract administraction practices. In our follow-up review, we found that our audit recomendations had been implemented.

For a complete copy of Report 2004-F-12 click here.