Department of Health

Oversight of Adult Care Facilities (Follow-Up Review)

Adult care facilities provide non-medical care to adults who are substantially unable to live independently. Facilities housing five or more adults are licensed and inspected by the Department of Health, while facilities housing four or fewer adults are licensed and inspected by the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS). In our prior audit report 98-S-60, we examined the licensing and inspection processes of the two agencies and found that a number of improvements were needed. For example, we found the Department of Health did not verify the information submitted by license applicants, did not actively try to identify unlicensed facilities, and did not perform inspections as frequently as required. In this follow-up review, we addressed the actions taken by the Department in response to the recommendations contained in our prior report (in report 2001-F-32, we addressed the actions taken by OCFS), and found the Department had made limited progress in implementing the recommendations.

For a complete copy of Report 2002-F-15 click here.
For a copy of the 90-day response click here.