SUNY Bulletin No. SU-58

Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay for SUNY 21P Employees 2001-2002
Termination of Summer Session Jobs
Date Issued
August 7, 2001


To explain automatic processing and agency procedures

Affected Employees

Employees in 21P and CAL positions

Effective Date

Check date 9/12/2001

Automatic Restoration Contract Pay and Additional Pay

After the agency cut-off date (8/28/2001) for period 11L, OSC will automatically insert a row to start a new contract on the Contract Pay Panel for the 2001-2002 semester for employees who have, as of 8/16/2001:

  1. An employee status of active, leave, paid leave
  2. A pay basis code of 21P
  3. No future dated Job Data rows after 8/16/2001 with a pay basis code change.

The contract dates inserted will be the begin date of 8/16/2001 and end date of 6/5/2002.

If an employee is hired, rehired, or has a position change in pay period 11L with an effective date of 8/16/2001, it is not necessary to complete the Contract Pay Panel. OSC will automatically insert the new contract row.

If the end date on any earnings on the Additional Pay Panel is 6/6/2001, OSC will automatically insert a new row for each earnings with the new begin and end dates for the contract period.

If the employee already has a row on the Contract Pay Panel or the Additional Pay Panel effective 8/16/2001, OSC will not automatically insert a row.

Health Insurance

Civil Service will submit a file to restart Health Insurance.

Agency Actions in Period 11L for 21Ps and 12L for CALs

Termination For 21P/CAL Employees Who Worked Summer Session In A Different Agency:

Employees who worked summer session in another agency must be terminated in the agency where the summer session was worked.

21P/CAL Employees Not Returning For The Fall Semester:

Terminate 21P employees with the effective date of 8/16/2001. Terminate CAL employees with the effective date of 9/1/2001.

Newly Appointed Summer Session Employees Who Are Not Working The Fall Semester:

Terminate these employees after their summer session is completed.

Pay Basis Code Changes:

If an employee elects to change their obligation (21P to CAL or CAL to 21P), the agency must insure that the position reflects the correct pay basis code.

21P to CAL:
  1. Place the employee on a leave of absence using the action reason of LOA/ LOT effective 8/16/2001.
  2. Effective 9/1/2001, process a return from leave using the action reason of RFL/RLV.
  3. Reclassify the pay basis code on the position to change the position to CAL effective 9/1/2001 and, if eligible for the 3.5% raise, submit a pay change using the action reason of PAY/CFS effective 9/1/2001.
    If the employee is moving to another position that is already set up as a CAL, request a position change on the Job Action Request Panel using the action of POS and the effective date of 9/1/2001. Use the appropriate Reason Code and enter the employee's annual salary rate, including the 3.5% raise, if eligible.
CAL to 21P:
  1. Reclassify the pay basis code on the position to change the position to 21P effective 8/16/2001 and, if eligible for the 3.5% raise, submit a pay change on the Job Action Request panel using the action of PAY/CFS effective 8/16/2001.
    If the employee is moving to another position that is already set up as a 21P, request a position change on the Job Action Request Panel using the action of POS and the effective date of 8/16/2001. Use the appropriate Reason Code and enter the employee's annual salary rate including the 3.5% raise, if eligible.
  2. If the employee is active, submit the earn code BAL (Balance of Contract) in the Time Entry panel. The balance of contract must be paid using the pre-raise salary.

OSC will automatically insert the new contract row on the Contract Pay panel.

Reporting Retroactive Changes in Pay Basis Code

For the changes in pay basis code that are reported on a retroactive basis, the agency must:

21P to CAL:
  1. Place the employee on a leave of absence effective 8/16/2001.
  2. Effective 9/1/2001, return the employee from the leave.
  3. Effective 9/1/2001, request a position change to move the employee into a CAL position
    If remaining in the same position, reclassify the pay basis code on the position. The pay basis code change will subsequently be reported to OSC and the position and the incumbents Job Data record will be updated to reflect the CAL basis code.
  4. Earnings on the Additional Pay Panel will automatically end effective 8/16/2001 when the employee is placed on the leave of absence. Agencies must restart earnings effective 9/1/2001.
CAL to 21P:
If the employee was previously hired effective 9/1/2001 as a CAL:
  1. Request a data change (DTA)/ correct history (COR) effective 9/1/2001 and enter the following or similar statement in the Status Reason block, "OSC must change the hire date to 8/16/2001 because the employee should be 21P".
  2. Effective 9/1/2001, request a position change to move the employee into a 21P position and enter the following or similar statement in the Status Reason block, "OSC must change the position number on the corrected 8/16/2001 hire row".
    If remaining in the same position, reclassify the pay basis code on the position. The pay basis code change will subsequently be reported to OSC and the position and the incumbent's Job Data record will be updated to reflect the 21P pay basis code.
  3. Complete the Contract Pay panel using 8/16/2001 as the contract begin date and 6/5/2002 as the contract end date.
  4. For earnings on the Additional Pay panel, request a data change (DTA)/ correct history (COR) and enter the following or similar statement in the Status Reason block, "Change the effective date of the earnings in Additional Pay panel to 8/16/2001."
If the employee was on the payroll as a CAL prior to 9/1/2001:
  1. Request a position change (POS) effective 8/16/2001 to move the employee into a 21P position. Request position changes for all subsequent rows on the employee's Job Data panel.
    If remaining in the same position, reclassify the position for a change in pay basis code effective 8/16/2001 and, if due 3.5% increase, submit a pay change using the action reason of PAY/ CFS on the Job Action request panel effective 8/16/2001. Request pay changes for all subsequent rows in Job Data panel.
  2. Complete the Contract Pay panel using 8/16/2001 as the contract begin date and 6/5/2002 as the end date.
  3. For earnings on the Additional Pay panel, request a data change (DTA) / correct history (COR) and enter the following or similar statement in the Status Reason block, "Change the effective date of the earnings in Additional Pay panel to 8/16/2001".
Adjustments Resulting From Retroactive Change In Pay Basis Code:

If changing from 21P to CAL, the agency must determine the total amount previously paid as a 21P and set up an overpayment for the same amount in the Additional Pay panel using the earn code OVP. Enter an explanation of the overpayment in the General Comments panel. If the change in pay basis code is reported after period 12L is processed, the agency must also submit RGS for all retroactive CAL earnings due from 9/1/2001.

If changing from CAL to 21P, the earnings previously paid as a CAL will be automatically deducted from the 21P earnings due. If the employee worked in the 2000 - 2001 school year, the agency must submit a balance of contract in the Time Entry panel using the earn code BAL to pay the CAL earnings due for the period 08/16/2001 to 08/31/2001.

Deductions for 21P Employees Who Worked Summer Session

Agencies that canceled tax sheltered annuities, federated funds, maintenance (taxable and non-taxable) and union insurances for 21P employees who worked summer session will need to restart these deductions. The effective date to be used is 8/16/2001.

When Agencies Need to Enter Contract Pay and Additional Pay Information

Agencies must enter information on the Contract Pay Panel and, if applicable, the Additional Pay Panel when:

  • 21P employee is hired/re-hired after the automatic restoration
  • Employee has a pay basis code change to 21P after period 11L is processed. A data change (DTA)/correct history (COR) must be requested to change the effective date of the earnings on the Additional Pay panel.

The contract begin date must always be 8/16/2001 and the contract end date must always be 6/5/2002.


Questions about this bulletin should be directed to your payroll auditor.