SUNY Bulletin No. SU-27

Restoration of Contract Pay, Additional Pay, Health Insurance and Dependent Care for SUNY 21P Employees for the 1999-2000 semester for the check date of 9/15/99
Termination of Summer Session Jobs
Date Issued
August 30, 1999


To explain automatic process and agency procedures

Affected Employees

Employees in 21P and CAL positions

Automatic Restoration of Contract Pay and Additional Pay

OSC will have a contract row automatically inserted for the 1999-2000 semester for employees who have as of 08/19/1999:

  1. an employee status of active
  2. a pay basis code of 21P
  3. no future dated job rows after 08/19/1999 with a pay basis code change.

The contract dates inserted will be the begin date of 08/19/1999 and end date of 06/07/2000.

If an employee is Hired or Rehired or has a position change in pay period 11L with an effective date of 08/19/1999, it is not necessary to complete the Contract Pay panel. OSC will automatically add the row.

If the end date of the Additional Pay earnings row is 06/09/1999, OSC will automatically insert a new row for each earnings with the new begin and end dates of the contract period.

If a row with the effective date of 08/19/1999 is existing on the Contract Pay panel or the Additional Pay panel, OSC will not automatically insert a row.

This automatic process will occur after 09/01/1999, the agency cutoff date for Administration 11 Lag, for checks dated 9/15/99.

Health Insurance and Dependent Care

Health Insurance and Dependent Care will have an effective dated row automatically inserted with the date of 08/19/1999.

Agency Procedures

Terminations 21P/CAL/CYP Employees-Summer Session Different Agency

Employees who worked summer session in another agency must be terminated in the agency where the summer session was worked.

21P/CAL Employees not returning for the new semester

Terminate 21P employees with the effective date of 08/19/1999.

Terminate CAL employees with the effective date of 09/01/1999.

Newly Appointed Summer Session Employees

Agencies must terminate these employees after their summer session is completed.

Pay Basis Code Change

If an employee elects to change their obligation (21P to CAL or CAL to 21P), the agency must ensure that the position reflects the correct pay basis code and the work schedule on Job Data.

If the Pay Basis Code needs to be changed on the current position, submit a Position change to SUNY Central which will then submit the change to OSC. The Position will be updated and the information will automatically be updated on the employee's Job Data records.

If the employee should be moved to another position, enter a Job Action Request with the following information:

Action POS (Position Change)
Reason Use appropriate reason code
Position Number The position number that has the correct Pay Basis Code

If the employee's Pay Basis Code is changing from Cal to 21P, the effective date should be 8/19/99 and a Balance of Contract (BAL) should be submitted in Time Entry.

If the Pay Basis Code is changing from 21P to CAL, the effective date should be 9/1/99. These employees will not be paid from 8/19/99 to 8/31/99.

Retroactive Change in Pay Basis Code After Pay Period 11L

Work Schedule

Agencies need to review the work schedule for any pay basis code change.


If changing from CAL to 21P, the amount paid as a CAL will automatically be adjusted.

If changing from 21P to CAL, the amount paid as a 21P needs to be adjusted by the agency through the Additional Pay panel for an overpayment. Put in General Comments that the employee is changing pay basis code and any other necessary overpayment information.


For employees whose pay basis code changes from 21P to CAL or CAL to 21P, agencies will need to submit a Job Action Request with the following information:

Action Data Change (DTA)
Reason Correct History (COR)
Comments State the effective date the Additional Pay is changing due to a change in Pay Basis Code.
21P to CAL

If changing from 21P to CAL, the additional pay earnings paid as a 21P needs to be adjusted by the agency through the Additional Pay panel by an overpayment. Put in General Comments that the employee is changing pay basis codes and any other necessary overpayment information.


If changing from CAL to 21P, the additional pay earnings paid as a CAL needs to be adjusted (difference of the additional pay received as a CAL and what the employee should have received as a 21P). This is to be done by the agency through the Additional Pay panel using the appropriate adjustment earnings code. Put in General Comments that the employee is changing pay basis codes and any other necessary information.

Deductions for 21P Employees Who Worked Summer Session

Agencies that canceled tax sheltered annuities, federated funds, maintenance (taxable and non-taxable) and union insurances for 21P employees who worked summer session will need to restart these deductions. The effective date to be used is 08/19/1999.

When Agencies Need to Enter Contract Pay and Additional Pay Information

Agencies will need to enter Contract Pay and Additional Pay information when:

  • 21P Employee is hired/rehired after the automatic restoration, the contract dates should always be the begin date of 8/19/1999 and the end date of 6/7/2000.
  • Employee has a pay basis code change to 21P after 08/19/1999.
  • All employees with a pay basis code of CYP

For More Information

Questions regarding this bulletin may be directed to the Payroll Audit mailbox.